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Guidelines for Hiring Workers through Employment Agencies

After choosing a recruitment agency, you have to submit documents or credentials to the Philippine Embassy or to the POEA Accreditation Branch for authentication and accreditation.  This process ascertains the existence of the company or project and manpower requirements.

As an employer, you should be represented by only one agent.  A principal in the shipping industry however is allowed a maximum of three manning agents.

 For accreditation purposes, you should submit to your agent the following documents:

 Private Employment Agencies

  • Special Power of Attorney/Service/Recruitment Agreement

  • Standard Employment Contract

  • Visa/Entry Requirements

  • Manpower Requirements

 Manning Agencies

  • Authenticated Manning Agreement and Special Power of Attorney

  • Vessel and its particulars

  • Crew complement and proposed salary scale

Once approved, POEA issues an accreditation certificate to your chosen local agent authorizing him/her to advertise, recruit and deploy Filipino workers on your behalf.

In certain countries, authentication and verification of documents are needed for the accreditation of a foreign employer/principal or project.

The Philippine Labor Attaché or by the appropriate official of the Philippine Embassy or authorized Philippine foreign representative in the absence of a Philippine mission verifies the documents at the jobsite.

Authentication of documents at the site of employment may be undertaken by the appropriate official of any of the designated Ministries/Offices of host countries.






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