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Getting Ready for the Interview

  • Don't show up at an interview unprepared. You need to impress the interviewer with your understanding of the business and a well thought-out argument as to why you are the best person for the job. Read everything you can about the company prior to your interview. The company's products, services, location, major activities, and chief competitors are must-knows.

  • Know more about the job you're applying for. Get the necessary information about the job: the description, major responsibilities, geographical location, salary range, deadline for application and starting date of employment.

  • Assess yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses before you walk into the door of the interview room. Make sure your qualifications match what the organization is looking for. Assess your relevant experience, related training, and other activities related to the applied job position.

  • Verify details. Find out the exact time and place of the interview. Arrive at least ten minutes earlier than scheduled. Know the interviewer's name and its proper pronunciation, as well as his/her position before the interview date.



Interview Preparation Exercises

What career accomplishments can you list? Have you learned new skills over the past couple of years? How have your recent job experiences prepared you for your next career move? Are your computer skills up to date? Now is the time to assess what additional skills you'll need to get to the next level in your career 


What to Wear?

The Interview Proper

Do's & Don'ts of an Interview Session

Frequently Asked Interview Questions


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