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Sample Resume

Heading  This part indicates contact information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail, etc.

Education   Include only secondary and tertiary education information (include graduate studies, if applicable) as well as honors and awards received in each level.

Work Experience   Include previous relevant jobs taken including internships and on-the-job trainings.

Extra-curricular Activities   Show results and accomplishments in your organizational position, including the dates or time intervals of the activities.

Research Papers Prepared   List down significant research papers done with their corresponding descriptions.

Seminars Attended   Indicate the relevant seminars and talks you've attended with their corresponding dates and sponsoring organizations.

Personal Background   A brief description of your interests, skills, known languages and other personal data.

References   Give the names of relevant people who can appraise your character and positions (don't forget to ask permission from the persons first)


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